February 2022 Trustee Meeting Minutes

February 2022 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustee Meeting – February 14, 2022

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday, February 14, 2022, at 5:30pm, with Trustees Ed Dean, Mark Bann and Tiffany Havens present. Chairman Bann opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Tiffany moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous organizational meeting and approve them as written. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Tiffany moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the Special Meeting held January 22, 2022 and approve them as written. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. The financials for January 2022 will be approved at the next meeting due to a computer glitch the reports were unable to be printed.


  • NOPEC notified Deerfield Township they will be receiving a grant of $7,418 for 2022. Funding needs to be accepted online by June 30, 2022. Ed made a motion to accept this NOPEC Grant in the amount of $7,418. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.
  • Deerfield Township has $1,500 available through the Sponsorship Program for a community organization of choice that holds a community event for Deerfield Township. Ed made a motion to nominate Deerfield Civic Association since they hold the Deerfield Applebutter Festival annually and contribute back to Deerfield Township every year. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.
  • Portage County Board of Commissioners passed a Resolution No. 22-0012 to reduce the load limits 35% on all county and township roads in Portage County effective January 31, 2022, or as soon thereafter as signs are posted through May 1, 2022.
  • Chris Nichols and Josh Garth are both candidates for Ohio Township Association Board of Directors and each sent a letter requesting the support of Deerfield Township.Fire Department: Vaughn Sutcliffe provided a verbal report for the fire department on activity since the last meeting. The fire department is up to approximately 65 runs, consisting of 58 EMS calls, 2 Fires, 2 Smoke Investigations and 3 Auto Accidents for the year.In the last month, Deerfield Fire Department had 14 members attend an OFERS Ohio Fire Reporting System course to learn how to enter and make fire reports to the state taught by the Ohio Fire Marshall Office. The course was held at the Deerfield Town Hall and was no cost to the Township.Vaughn interviewed Hal Lehman and would like the trustees to approve him to become a member of the Deerfield Fire Department on a probationary basis for one year. He lives in Atwater Township and available to cover hours at the station. He holds his FireFighter II and a Paramedic. Mark made a motion to accept Hal Lehman as a member of the Deerfield Fire Department on a probationary basis for a period up to one year. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


Vaughn indicated the Deerfield Fire Department had some money remaining on the turn out gear grant and requested we used the remaining monies to purchase boots, helmets and shields at a cost of $1,385.00 which would conclude the grant so it can be finalized and reimbursed to Deerfield Township. Mark made a motion to purchase the boots, helmets and shields at a cost of $1,385. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Vaughn said Unit #1411, the ambulance cot loading system malfunctioned causing the ambulance to go out of service. Deerfield Fire Department was able to get it looked at and put back into working order and service in the same day. There are still a lot of parts that need to be replaced on this cot loading system. The total cost of repairs already done, plus remaining work that needs to be completed is approximately $8,500. The system in the cot that needs to be repaired in the ambulance self motors, hydraulics and has a charging system. The system is over 15 years old and was purchased through a Workers Compensation Grant and has never had any preventative maintenance done to it since installation. Replacement cost is $52,000. Right now, the Deerfield Fire Department is requesting the Trustees purchase a service contract for this cot loading system in the ambulance at a cost of approximately $1,000 annually, which includes two (2) maintenance checks per year. Upon purchase of this 36 month contract, EMSAR Advantage Program will come out and service the cot and loading assembly along with the stair chair, of which they will then provide a full estimate. By having a service contract, they are able to provide discounts for service. Ed made a motion to enter into this 36 month service contract with EMSAR Advantage Program at a cost of $990 per year. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Unit #1413, the pumper truck pump and water leak has been repaired and still waiting on the parts to have the pre-connect lines set up properly with manual valves, replace the electric valves that no longer work but the truck is still in full operation.

Ohio Workers Compensation Grant that was used to purchase the extractor, washer, gloves and hoods has been finalized and should be expecting reimbursement.

The Wild Lands Grant for the purchase of the projector, iPhone and tables has been finalized and expecting reimbursement.

The Deerfield Fire Department was awarded a $38,000 MARCS grant to update all the radios to the MARCS system. The members are currently working on picking out the radios to maximize the money spent and provide more info to flow.

The SAFER and AFG Grants discussed at the Special Meeting on January 22, 2022 have been submitted and waiting on an answer back. Vaughn extended a thank you to Scott Simmons and Nancy Cowan for their time to put the information for these grants together.

There is a Fire House Subs Grant coming up that Scott Simmons is currently working on to update the extrication equipment.


The Deerfield Fire Association is in the process of purchasing ice rescue equipment to replace outdated worn out equipment from money donated by the Deerfield Sirenettes.

The Deerfield Fire Association is hosting a Boaters Education Class on March 19, 2022 at the Deerfield Fire Station from 9am to 5pm.

Vaughn thanked the maintenance crew for a job well done keeping the station parking lot and pad clear of snow through these heavy snowfalls. The Road Department also installed the cabinets on Unit #1426, the pickup truck and looks and works great.

Vaughn congratulated Tiffany Beeson for completing her EMR certification.

Deerfield Fire Sirenettes will be holding a pancake breakfast at the Deerfield Fire Station on April 2, 2022.

Scott attended a seminar that provided a lot of good information on upcoming grants. Vaughn thanked him for attending this on behalf of Deerfield Fire Department.

AA Hammersmith Insurance Company sent their invoice for the Ohio Public Risk Insurance Company in the amount of $1,221 for the period March 2022 through March 2023. Mark made a motion to renew this insurance at a cost of $1,221. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

A concerned citizen had some complaints about the Deerfield Fire Department being unmanned for a short period of time. Vaughn addressed that they have a plan in place when this situation arises and to notify all members of the Volunteer Fire Department so they are aware so they make the extra effort when a call comes in. When this situation arises, mutual aid is also set up with a neighboring station so they are aware as well. However, he indicated this only happens a couple of times per year.

Road Department: The Road Department started with three trucks and went down to two trucks down to one truck. The transmission went out of the 2012 F450 and was taken to a shop. This truck only has approximately 50k miles. Estimated repairs to fix the transmission and sensors needed is $9,000 plus the tow bill with a 36-month unlimited mileage warranty. If approved, repairs are expected to be made by the end of the month. Ed made a motion to make the necessary repairs at a cost of $9,000 plus a tow bill. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The Lo Pro is 26 years old and has a hole in the floor. Availability for a truck to replace this truck is limited. Delivery dates are anticipated for March 2023 currently. This truck breaks down every time this truck goes out to plow. The crew had to put $300 worth of repair parts on this truck since the last meeting. Ed made a motion to pay this emergency repair of $700 to Murphy’s Muffler for repairs. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


The old backhoe needed new front pins and bushings at a cost of $470. Labor was completed in house.

The 60 ton of salt Deerfield Township is contracted to purchase is ordered and awaiting a delivery date.

Cemeteries: Deerfield Township has had 1 full burial and 2 cremations since the last meeting.

The Deerfield cemetery association has requested an updated quotation for the purchase or a new door on the chapel. Ed will get a price and the road department will provide the labor.

Buildings & Grounds: Lighting has been done at the Deerfield Circle.

Ed made a motion to ask for donations from the community and area businesses to sponsor eight flower pots on poles in the Deerfield Circle at a cost of approximately $165-200 each, of which will need volunteers to assist with watering everyday with fertilizer. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

New Business: The Trustees plan to begin advertising for part-time help for the road department, which includes advertising in the Record Courier in the upcoming weeks. Resumes for individuals 18 & over for part time work for April through October/November will be accepted.

Tiffany requested we purchase new Trustee and Fiscal Officer Sourcebooks 3 Volume Set at a cost of $70 which includes shipping. Ed made a motion to purchases these books. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Mark made a motion for Tiffany, as requested, to attend an Ohio Township Association Leadership Academy at a cost of $100, which is a 35-hour course held both virtually and in Columbus. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Tiffany brought up updating our website that was originally done in 2014. Due to it being outdated, the website needs to be re-coded. She intends to get prosecutor approval of the contract she is proposing. The contract she has received is at a cost of $1,500 out of the general fund from a Deerfield business. Tiffany made a motion to approve entering this contract pending prosecutor approval and the funds are available in the general fund. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

A Deerfield resident made a comment that the Old Town Hall is falling down and apart. The Trustees indicated they just repaired the roof, fixed all the leaks and updated the electrical recently. Funds are limited since these repairs made come from the general fund. The Trustees are working with the Historical Society to come up with a solution.


Brett, the President of the Youth Baseball and Softball, of 4 years now attended the meeting to come up with a plan with Deerfield Township Trustees and to request moving forward entering a contract with them so they can play ball in Deerfield. The Trustees indicated they would like to see baseball/softball come back to Deerfield along with making this park a multi-sport park to open up the opportunities for more grants. Brett proposed drafting a contractual agreement for the use of one or two fields for this upcoming spring with an itemized list of who is responsible for what. They would like Deerfield Township to provide the mowing and the Association would maintain the fields. Brett indicated the Paris and Charlestown Township Trustees could provide them references. The Trustees indicated the homerun fences would need to be removed due to our insurance and a safety concern. The Trustees indicated they could play without fences, with cones or temporary fencing. The Trustees mentioned the organization will need to provide proof of 501(3)(c) and certificate of insurance forms upon entering the contract. The Trustees verbally agreed to this organization having 1st right to enter into a contract with Deerfield Township since they are the first to request the use of these fields as long as both parties can come up with a mutually beneficial agreement.

The following bills were presented for Trustees’ inspection and approval: See Payment Register attached.

Ed made a motion to pay these bills and adjourn the meeting. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm.