
Trustee Meeting – August 28, 2023

Trustee Meeting – August 28, 2023

Disclaimer: Video links are posted as a courtesy to our residents and are not owned by Deerfield Township. Videos are recorded by a third party. Be advised that the official meeting minutes are recorded by our Fiscal Officer and approved by the Board of Trustees. These minutes are posted below for your convenience and may be obtained by request from our Fiscal Officer. 

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday, August 28, 2023, at 6:10pm, with Trustees Ed Dean, Tiffany Havens and Mark Bann present. Chairman Dean opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mark moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous meeting held August 14, 2023 and approve them as written. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


  •  Board of Elections, Portage County, Ohio will have galley proofs of all ballots to be used at the General Election on November 7, 2023 on display September 6th through 8th, 2023 during the hours of 8am to 4:30pm.
  •  Last meeting, the Trustees accepted a donation from the Deerfield Civic Associa- tion to build a pavilion at the ballfields. They discussed hiring a grant writer to put in playground equipment and/or a pickleball court as well. Therefore, Mark and Deb Reinhart attended the meeting to provide an overview of the game Pick- leball to answer community questions. He explained the sport and indicated it is currently the fastest growing sport because it is easy to play, a social sport, fun for all ages, a game for all skill levels and healthy to play. Pickleball courts do not take up much space. Fencing would be needed so you don’t have to chase balls all the time. Ed made a motion to pursue moving forward with Didi to write a grant for new pickleball courts and playground equipment either as one grant or two (2) separate grants per Didi’s opinion. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.Fire Department:Derek Day provided a verbal report. Total calls to date are 341 calls. The Fire Department assisted with storm clean-up since the last meeting.The tanker is currently out of service for preventative maintenance. The engine will go next for preventative maintenance.Zachary Freyn submitted an invoice for schooling he completed for payment of $750, which was approved at an earlier meeting.Anthony Popio would like to attend police officer schooling at a cost of $3,889 through the SAFER grant. There is $4,250 remaining for the $5,000 limit for higher education classes. Mark made a motion to table this and discuss at a future meeting. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Michelle Williams submitted an application to Deerfield Township Fire Department. She resides in Navarre, Ohio. She currently has her FF/Medic training. She is a dive master. Mark Bann made a motion to approve her application on a one-year probationary basis. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

James Clark submitted an application to Deerfield Township Fire Department. He resides in Stow, Ohio. He currently has his FFII/Paramedic training. Mark Bann made a motion to approve his application on a one-year probationary basis. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The Fire Department is currently working on DEF pricing discussed at previous meeting.

Derek Day inquired about donating some of the approved equipment to dispose of last meeting to an Indian Reservation. The Trustees agreed this will be fine.

The Fire Department flashlights are obsolete. Derek Day and Scott Dean will get pricing for the next meeting.

The four-wheeler and trailer will be sold at an upcoming auction in two (2) separate transactions.

Road Department/Buildings & Grounds/Cemeteries: Deerfield Township Trustees received a letter of resignation from Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Gary Leifheit. Tiffany made a motion to advertise to hire in the newspaper to replace our Building and Grounds Supervisor position. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Tiffany made a motion to hold a special trustee meeting on September 18, 2023 at 6:00pm. Applications must be received by 5pm on September 13, 2023. No 2nd meeting will be held on September 25, 2023. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Ed made a motion to pay for the emergency repairs between meetings on the International Dump Truck to K&D Trucking. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Ed made a motion to pay K&D Trucking $1,854.67 for the squad. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

There are some trees with 7 or 8 limbs hanging on Johnson Road before the curves that need to be taken down. Ed made a motion to pay $600 for the removal of these tree limbs. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Mr. Timothy Suderman is off approximately another month or so. The Trustees are requesting volunteers to help with weed eating at the cemeteries with the signature of Hold Harmless Forms.

New Business: Ed Dean explained the post complaining about a tree down on Hartzell Road. This tree had live wires wrapped up in it, of which must be dealt with prior to the Township personnel being permitted to remove the tree. Ed Dean had reported this tree to the appropriate agencies by 6am that morning.

Revenues received: See Revenue Receipt Register attached.

The following bills were presented for Trustees’ inspection and approval: See Payment Register attached.

Ed made a motion to pay these bills and adjourn the meeting. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50pm.