Trustee Meeting – June 12, 2023

Trustee Meeting – June 12, 2023

Disclaimer: Video links are posted as a courtesy to our residents and are not owned by Deerfield Township. Videos are recorded by a third party. Be advised that the official meeting minutes are recorded by our Fiscal Officer and approved by the Board of Trustees. These minutes are posted below for your convenience and may be obtained by request from our Fiscal Officer. 

Trustee Meeting – June 12, 2023

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday, June 12, 2023 at 6:00pm, with Trustees Charles “Ed” Dean, Mark Bann and Tiffany Ha- vens present. Chairman Dean opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mark moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous regularly scheduled meeting held May 8, 2023 and approve them as written. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Tiffany moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the special meeting held June 5, 2023 and approve them as written. Ed se- conded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Tiffany moved to approve the May financials as presented. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


 Portage County Board of Elections sent a memo to notify Deerfield Township of the Special Election to be held on August 8, 2023. Elections will report at 5:45am to set up the polling place. Polling places are open from 6:30am until 7:30pm for voting. Both Precinct A and B will be held at the Deerfield Town Hall.

Road Department: The Road Department provided the Trustees with a preliminary application for resurfacing of Fewtown Road and Bandy Road to the dead-end from the Portage County Engineers Office. If the Trustees would like to move forward, the application must be approved at tonight’s meeting. The total cost is $381,906.21, of which Deerfield Township would be responsible for 50% at an approximate cost of $190,953.11. This will not be awarded until Fall. Deerfield Township has the opportunity to back out up to approval & award date. Ed Dean made a motion to approve this application for the Ohio Public Works Grant and pave both Fewtown and Bandy Roads at a cost to the Township of $190,953.11. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Road Supervisor Timothy Suderman requested Deerfield Township Trustees approve up to $58,750 which includes stone to chip and seal up to 2.5 miles of roads, which would include Watson Road. The cost per mile including stone is $23,500. Mark inquired about Fewtown and Bandy Road if the Ohio Public Works grant falls through. Timothy Suderman indicated in 2024, we would perform a double chip and seal on these roads. Ed made a motion to spend up to $58,750 to chip and seal up to 2.5 miles of Deerfield Township Roads to include Watson Road. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Ed Dean made a motion to purchase up to fifteen (15) loads of asphalt to repair roads prior to chip & seal at a cost of approximately $35/ton delivered. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Buildings & Grounds:

The Road Department has been working on road side mowing and will continue in the upcoming weeks. They have also been working on regular mowing. No major repairs are needed at this time.

Cemeteries: There have been reports of individuals parking at Hartzell Cemetery to fish after hours. Mark will call the neighbor & see if he is willing to lock up again daily from the hours of 7pm to 7am.

Fire Department: Chief Scott Dean provided a verbal report on activity since the last meeting, of which there were 29 medical calls, 10 fire calls, 8 mutual aids given and 13 mutual aids received.

The garage door for the mini pumper is not working due to the lever popping out up top. The Trustees asked Road Supervisor Timothy Suderman to take a look at it this week.

Per the Ohio Revised Code, all new employees must have BCI and FBI background checks done. Mr. Scott Dean received a price from Chief Paul Freer of Copeland Oaks of $70 to complete the BCI and FBI background checks. They currently do the checks for several police and fire departments in the area. Tiffany suggested we do this through Portage County. University Hospitals does physicals in Portage County and the Portage County Sheriffs Office performs BCI and FBI checks.

Scott Dean requested to create two (2) captain positions, one for EMS and one for fire as well as an EMS Lieutenant position. The EMS Captain will take the place of the EMS Coordinator, which will then be eliminated. Scott Dean requested to appoint Brian Kelderhouse as Captain for Fire and Lindsay Davis as Captain for EMS. The EMS Lieutenant position will not be filled at this time. These individuals were chosen due to their availability to work and being present. Lindsay Davis is pretty much doing a lot of the work now, including scheduling and payroll. Brian Kelderhouse is a great firefighter. Mark made a motion to appoint Lindsay Davis as Captain for EMS. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Mark made a motion to appoint Brian Kelderhouse as Captain for Fire. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Mr. Scott Dean requested the Deerfield Township Trustees to approve $6,205 for the purchase or miscellaneous turnout gear, which includes helmets, face pieces, front of helmets and names for backs of coats for Derek Day, Lindsay Davis, Brian Kelderhouse, Scott Dean, Anthony Popio, Leslie Hafler and Brian Allison. When asked by Trustees, Scott Simmons indicated there are a couple extra sets at the station, in addition to helmet shields and name plates. Scott Simmons indicated there are three (3) additional extra masks at the station on the back wall in the boxes. The SAFER grant will cover new hire gear. Ed Dean made a motion to purchase up to $6,205 in turnout gear & asked Scott Dean to utilize the gear on hand first, where possible. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Chuck Little expressed concern that Brian Allison is signing off on calls as Chief, Assistant Chief, etc. and asked Mr. Scott Dean to clarify his title. Scott Dean indicated Brian Allison is a captain.

Chief Scott Dean suggested we go to a timeclock program for payroll. He has spoken with Kristy and she indicated she has experience with QuickBooks Time. Kristy provided a brief explanation of this program. She expressed with QuickBooks Time, employees clock in and out from the cellular phones and is on GPS the entire duration of their shifts. Several reports are able to be ran from this program. Time must be submitted and approved at the end of the pay period. Once complete, an email is provided to the payroll administrator to run payroll. QuickBooks Time is a web based program that can be accessed on location by the Fiscal Office at the Deerfield Town Hall as well as at the Deerfield Fire Department, etc. simultaneously. Kristy and Scott will look into the pricing at this time. The chief feels this will be simpler for both Lindsay and Kristy, as well as provide an online record for the auditor. Scott Simmons inquired about the ability to use this program to track off-duty hours as well for the end of year reimbursement. Kristy believes this program will work great for this. Mark made a motion to approve the implantation and purchase of QuickBooks Time. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Chief Scott Dean requested to add one (1) camera in the back building to cover the squad to help protect our equipment, including the drug box and drugs in the ambulance. Mark indicated the DVR box has eight (8) ports and believes there is space available for at least two more cameras. Mark made a motion to purchase & install two (2) additional cameras for the purpose to provide extra security on the squad. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Zachary Frye has completed Officers Training Class and requested to be reimbursed. Mark made a motion to approve the reimbursement to Zachary Frye for Officers Training Class. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Bree Westover has completed EMT Class and requested to be reimbursed. Tiffany made a motion to approve the reimbursement to Bree Westover for her EMT Class. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Tiffany congratulated Bree on completing and passing her test.

The Trustees thanked both Zach and Bree for attending these trainings.

Mr. Scott Dean thanked the Road Department crew for fixing up the bunk room, which includes a new desk, bed, and new mattress that was donated to the Deerfield Fire Department.

The mini pumper is currently out of service, due the pump being down.

The bill for Berlin Fire for $1,200 was turned in for payment to the Fiscal Office for the radios.

Mark made a motion to pay Active 911 the amount of $450 for thirty (30) active alerts subscriptions. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Deerfield Township received a bill for e-dispatch. Scott Dean advised we do not need to renew the e-dispatch service.

Unit No. 1411, the squad was sent to and fixed by Springers. The Road Department put a new shoreline in as well.

The tanker will be going to Reberland Equipment for repair the week of June 19, 2023. The approximate cost is $2,999.30 and was approved at a previous meeting.

The Deerfield Township parade had a great turnout. The Fire Department got involved in the flower planting. Tiffany thanked the individuals who planted the extra petunias around the Deerfield Circle. The additional flowers were donated.

The Polaris purchased will be arriving tomorrow. Mr. Scott Dean indicated a trailer needs to be purchased. He received a price of $3,699 from Farm & Family. He recommended selling the four wheeler and its trailer to offset the cost of the new trailer.

Ed made a motion to deem the four-wheeler and four-wheeler trailer no longer of use to Deerfield Township and to take to Edinburg Auction to be sold in two (2) pieces. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Chief Scott Dean drafted a sample scheduling and attendance policy to be reviewed by the Deerfield Township Trustees he would like to approve at a future meeting. Tiffany requested all policies be added to the policy book so they are all in one place once approved.

Chief Scott Dean proposed pay raises for Fire Department employees. He is comparing our rates to Palmyra Township, which is closest to us in pay and also proximity. The Trustees asked to table to a future meeting so they have time to crunch some numbers.

Chief Scott Dean received eight (8) new applications for new members. He has met with them all. They all have different levels of training. The first application is from Robert Beech. He resides on Yale Road in Deerfield Township. He currently does not have certifications, but would like to become a firefighter. The second application is from James Hubbs. He resides in Smith Township. He has been a firefighter for Sebring for twenty-one years. He gave up his certifications one year ago. The third application is from Timothy Suderman. He currently does not have any certifications. The three applications are all looking to obtain their EMR within one year. Scott Simmons suggested we hold the training class at the Deerfield Town Hall. Mark made a motion to approve the applications for Robert Beech, James Hubbs and Timothy Suderman to become members of the Deerfield Fire Department on a one-year probationary basis. Due to the SAFER grant opportunities for new hires, no second was made until the

SAFER grant officially begins on June 20th, 2023. The SAFER grant runs June 20, 2023 through June 19, 2026. These applications will be further considered at the next meeting.

Two (2) applicants are certified EMT’s & firefighters, which were received from Charles Mercer and Joshua Rhome. Mark made a motion to accept these applications on a one- year probationary basis. Ed seconded the motion. Tiffany interjected with inquiring about obtaining new equipment, which could be provided through the SAFER grant. Ed made a motion to reverse accepting these two (2) applications and will discuss at a future meeting. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Tiffany provided a summary of the SAFER Grant awarded to Deerfield Township on March 22, 2023. The SAFER Grant is for a total of approximately $500,000. Tiffany explained this money must be used very specifically with several stipulations. The SAFER Grant provides for PPE in the amount of $37,000 for four (4) years. It allocates for three (3) people in the 1st and 2nd year and two (2) people in the 3rd and 4th year. The stipend increases from $12,000 per year to $50,000 per year for volunteers paid on a pay by call basis. The paper policies of the Deerfield Fire Department needs to be tightened up and revised. $10,000 is available to renovate the existing bunkroom facilities. Deerfield Township can spend $20,000/year for firefighter training and $2,000 one time for a projector to be used for in-house training. Extra training can be $20,000 over the four (4) year period. $63,500 is included for advanced firefighter training allocated per person per year. A laptop can be purchased at a cost up to $1,200. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance is included up to $2,100. Tuition and Reimbursement Assistance up to $5,000 per year, which includes $3,000 over four (4) years for books is included. An LED sign can be purchased for advertisement at the Deerfield Fire Department up to $15,000. Other things included are clothing, jackets, etc. It reimburses for up to $1,000 in criminal background checks. Annual NFPA physicals are included in this grant up to $15,000. New recruits duty uniforms are included up to $6,750 over the next four (4) years. New draft policies presented to the Trustees include Policy 8: Hiring & New Employees which includes the forms for physicals through University Hospital that allows for these to be completed and billed to the Township directly with no cost out of pocket to the new applicants, Policy 9: Reimbursement, and Policy 10: Higher Education Assistance. Chuck Little suggested adding a deadline to obtaining certifications for new applicants in Policy 8.

New Business: Mark made a motion to hold two (2) Trustee Meetings, the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 6:00pm the months of June, July and August with the next meeting being held on June 26, 2023 at 6:00pm. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Resolution No. 23-09

Ed Dean moved to adopt a resolution to enter into the NOPEC 2023 Energized Community Grant Agreement as provided by NOPEC.

Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows: Mr. Dean Yes Mrs. Havens Yes Mr. Bann Yes

Adopted: June 12, 2023

Resolution No. 23-10

Ed Dean moved to adopt a resolution authorizing all actions necessary to accept Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC) 2023 Energized Community Grant

WHEREAS, the Township of Deerfield, Ohio (the “GRANTEE”) is a member of the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (“NOPEC”) and is eligible for one or more NOPEC Energized Community Grant(s) for 2023 (“NEC Grant(s)”) as provided for in the NEC Grant Program guidelines; and

WHEREAS, the GRANTEE wishes to enter into a Grant Agreement with NOPEC, Inc. in substantially the form presented to this Board of Trustees to receive one or more NEC Grant(s); and


SECTION 1. This Board of Trustees of the GRANTEE (the “Board”) finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the GRANTEE to enter into the Grant Agreement to accept the NEC Grant(s) for 2023, and authorizes the President of the Board to execute the Grant Agreement to accept the NEC Grant(s) funds.

SECTION 2. This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were taken in an open meeting of this Board and that all deliberations of this Board and of any committees that resulted in those formal actions were in meetings open to the public in compliance with the law.

SECTION 3. This Resolution is declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare of the GRANTEE; wherefore, this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval by the President of the Board Trustees of the GRANTEE.

Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows:

Mr. Dean Mr. Bann Mrs. Havens

Adopted: June 12, 2023

Yes Yes Yes

Revenues received: See Revenue Receipt Register attached.

The following bills were presented for Trustees’ inspection and approval: See Payment Register attached.

Ed made a motion to pay these bills and adjourn the meeting. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.